Warmer design help and build progress

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Warmer design help and build progress

Post by Shawnt » April 6th, 2012, 9:23 am

Hello .
Well the new smoker build is coming along good. I have gone as far as possible with the cutting of the tank and now need to start welding. I was wondering if anyone could help with a warmer design. The fire box is going to be 22x20. I'm not sure how to incorporate a warmer on top of the fire box. Is the the smoke flow exposed to the warmer? or is the warmer warmed by indirect heat from the firebox? Any ideas or design help would be great.Thanks http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff3 ... 21/003.jpg
http://i1232.photobucket.com/albums/ff3 ... 21/004.jpg

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Re: Warmer design help and build progress

Post by Smokeone » April 6th, 2012, 11:42 am

I am not the expert on this, but I will give my .02.
You can do it both ways or a combo of the two, from what i have seen.
Some just insulate the warmer and let the heat radiate from the firebox to the warmer. radiate? might not be the right term. simply let the heat transfer through the metal to metal contact.
I have also seen them that have vents in the top of the firebox that can be controlled with a damper to allow more smoke and heat into the warmer.
Either way, I would put an adjustable exhaust in the box, to let out excess heat if need be.

I'm sure some more opinions (better) will be along to help you out. Keep us posted on the build! :welder:

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Re: Warmer design help and build progress

Post by Gizmo » April 6th, 2012, 11:53 am

Check out "Edgar is running a temp" thread under smoker mods - should get some ideas there...
I would not let smoke into the warming cabinet. Personally, I feel the smoke is put in as part of the cooking process and I don't want more added - the warmer to me is just to hold food hot for serving - 140 degrees or a little over that... :)

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Re: Warmer design help and build progress

Post by GreenSmoker » April 7th, 2012, 8:56 am

Like many I haven't done it but the plan and materials are here. On a new build I personally would remove the dome and use a solid plate to make the whole fb and warmer box back wall. I then would plate in the top of the fb and that would become the warmer bottom. Get fancy and put a couple inches between the fb and warmer (saw this used to warm wood and fry pans) to keep it a bit cooler and plate in a second piece of steel. I would use full pieces of steel to make the rest of the fb and warmer so as to keep things straight and less welding.

Then put a 4 inchish gated opening from the cook chamber to the warmer with an equal stack on top. Good luck.

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Re: Warmer design help and build progress

Post by rlmax02 » April 8th, 2012, 8:00 pm

you can check out the king cooker build and see how we made the warmer box work by convection as well as having dampers for heat and smoke. good luck on the build


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Re: Warmer design help and build progress

Post by The Czar » April 9th, 2012, 5:57 pm

:yth: .....all of it is great information..... :-bd

If you can't fix it by sheer force or cursing......then it can't be fixed.....

AKA= The Czar

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