A few quirks with my reverse flow i need help with

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A few quirks with my reverse flow i need help with

Post by snaak » June 26th, 2023, 7:42 am

Hi, I built this reverse flow a year or so ago with the help of this great forum.
I have cooked some awesome stuff on this cooker over the last year and a half, flavour is almost always unreal and its just such a fun way to cook, i am hooked! it gets alot of use.

As great as it is it has a few quirks.
not always but usually when im smoking something white like chicken or fish the food gets a light coat of black soot, doesn't affect flavour at all but doesn't look appetizing.

The soot could be related to the other issue? which is it seems to want the door slightly open to keep the wood burning cleanly. when i close the door too early (before the wood has burned down to almost coals) I get alot of white smoke which i avoid by opening the door a bit but this causes me to burn more wood. it does this with the cook chamber door open or not.
When I built the smoker I made the opening from the RF plate to cook chamber slightly smaller than the FB opening on advice from this forum. could this be my issue?

I live in the tropics and have noticed this issue is alot worse in the summer when we have very humid air blowing off the ocean

This is a link to my build it has all the measurements and more photos.
Click here :

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Re: A few quirks with my reverse flow i need help with

Post by Barrion2018 » June 27th, 2023, 5:55 am

Hello Snaak,
You may want to ask this question on the new SmokerBuilderU.com forum, that is where almost everyone from here has moved to.

Frank’s plan is to shut down the posting option on this forum once everyone has moved to the new site.

As for your question, Frank just addressed this issue a couple days ago on the new site.

From what Frank said, it comes down to not enough air flow. As you already mentioned, I would leave the FB door open just enough to keep your fire burning clean (no white smoke), hopefully that will take care of the problem.

Great looking RF by the way!

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Re: A few quirks with my reverse flow i need help with

Post by Big T » July 10th, 2023, 9:10 pm


Measure Twice.....Cut Three Times.

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Re: A few quirks with my reverse flow i need help with

Post by Rodcrafter » July 21st, 2023, 12:25 pm

I agree, air flow is the problem. I didn't do the math on the calculator, but the throat and the baffle plate gap are just as important as the FB to CC ratio, and the intake size compared to the exhaust. Never smoke something when white smoke is present, thin blue is the answer. JM2CW

Current Smokers: Backyard RF Offset and Hybrid RF Offset trailer rig with Cowboy cooker and fish fryer, always room for more........

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