rf first timer questions

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » January 23rd, 2015, 6:57 pm

Just tried that with the firebox at normal height, vent shut, and door open and observed it for a while with no increase in temp spikes on the gauges. I am now thinking my new gauges may not be up to task, or improperly mounted. I went all over it today with the infrared heat gun and the metal on the interior of cook chamber is reading hotter than the thermometer. I know thats not right, and virtually impossible to be the case. I put a couple chicken quarters on it and within 1 hour it hit 190 internal and had a great bite on the skin and not rubbery, and I know that doesn't happen at 240 degrees. I bought Cajun cooker therms, normally used on fish cookers, with 3" stems and mounted them on 1" long piece of 1/2" pipe which left the protrusion into the cook chamber at about 1". Is that enough distance? Does the thermometer care what the medium is, such as oil or air? Just throwing it out there trying to figure it out.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Rodcrafter » January 23rd, 2015, 7:17 pm

I like digital thermometers I use maverick ET732, they have been very dependable. I also use Tel-Tru in the stem type you have. They are very specific on how far you must place the stem into the CC. You are probably getting a higher temp than you were thinking like you said.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Big T » January 23rd, 2015, 10:33 pm


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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » January 28th, 2015, 9:58 pm

Hey guys I am in Memphis this week and am going to go try and find some new gauges while I am here. I do have a question about the unused space above the cook chamber where the warming cabinet usually sits, and after noticing the 500 plus degrees above the firebox I had an idea about a pizza cooker. Is this possible? Has anyone done it, and what kind of success did you have. Also I picked up a 28" disc blade yesterday and will mod the frame to have a burner on the far end away from the firebox.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Pete Mazz » January 29th, 2015, 6:05 am

You could probably put a pizza stone right on top of the FB and see what happens. 500 is a little low for pizza but get the stone good and hot and it'd probably work. Some sort of lid would help if you have something that large. I put my stones right on my grill and they cook very well.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » February 1st, 2015, 9:12 pm

Well crap. Back at it again today and continue to be plagued by temp problems. It started fine as I used the approved method to get the fire rolling and all was fine until I added the 3rd split and she plummeted to 150 and comtinued to dip even lower at times. I tried everything from opening door, to cracking the CC, to closing inlet and exhaust valves. Really not sure what's up now. It was really windy like almost 30mph gusts and about 40 degrees. Argh!!!! Thankfully fired the traeger up finished a decent meal. Not even sure where to start.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Rodcrafter » February 2nd, 2015, 7:12 am

I'd say go back to the calc and check everything again. But it is starting to sound more like the throat opening isn't right to me.

But I have seen on a windy day if my intake vent is opposite of the wind, so to say the wind isn't blowing in the vent, it can cause a seemingly vacuum on it and stave the fire. That is why I like having one on two sides. just a thought

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » February 3rd, 2015, 6:57 pm

Holy cow if you ain't right, but I am not far off. I used 90 gallon as I squared the doors off and added 3" to the top. I built a 20x20x20" firebox which put me at 115%. I have a 9.5x2.75" air intake which was 107%. My FB to CC opening is 4.5x12.5" which is 56.25 square inches with a goal of 64 square inches which leaves me at 87%. So can that small difference be that significant? I didn't resize my FB to CC opening after I decided to square off my doors. The chimney is 3.75x 40 which is 111% of recommended. The opening on the baffle plate is 6" from the far end of cooker but it is end bell shaped so not sure how to get that figure.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Rodcrafter » February 5th, 2015, 9:42 am

If you can cut the part you need from each side as high as you can. This will allow the flow the best. On the other end they're supposed to be the same as the throat but it can be a bit bigger. I would guess you're 1-1/2 times bigger than ideal. But you can leave that part until last.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » February 5th, 2015, 10:28 am

Thank you i appreciate the help, and am headed out now to increase the size to recommended.

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by slowboat76 » March 30th, 2015, 5:25 pm

Ok guys quick question, i am still creeping up on my issue with my temperature. I second guessed the efficiency of my small exhaust and yesterday went and cut all the old stuff off and added a piece of 6" well casing for the exhaust. The calculator showed 14" in length, ok my question may be dumb but is that 14" from the top of tank, as this is the first measurement that has a complete circumference, because i cut the pipe to fit the contour of the tank and that adds another 12" as it took that far to tie in and look decent? My next step is to raise the fire rack 2" and add another air inlet on back side. TIA

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Re: rf first timer questions

Post by Rodcrafter » March 31st, 2015, 7:15 am

From where the center of the pipe connects to the CC. Is the way I do it.

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