Portable Parrilla Asado Grill build questions

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Portable Parrilla Asado Grill build questions

Post by dgilbert71 » December 18th, 2020, 11:17 am

Hello all! I’m new to the group, and new to building pits and grills. Searched the topics and couldn’t find much on these type of builds. The main question I have is a design question on how to make one of these grills portable. I was looking for examples or how to design folding legs, or if it would be better removable legs? I’m building this for a friend who wants to be able slide it in and out of the bed of his truck and use it on outreach cooks for a ministry he runs. I’ve attached a picture he found of one that looks like it has folding legs. If you guys have any experience with something portable like this I would appreciate the info! Thanks!!!

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Re: Portable Parrilla Asado Grill build questions

Post by Dirtytires » December 19th, 2020, 11:48 am

It can be done either way. I made a grill once that the legs were separate and fit into holes on the bottom of the grill. The camp chef camping burners use this same idea. Benefit is legs can be easily replaced or adjusted in length. Drawback is it typically takes 2 people to assemble.

You could easily do the folding legs like in your picture as well. They tend to make the whole assembly a bit more bulky and heavier but, if light enough, can be stood up by one person.

I would look at some of the commercial grills out there for ideas.

And welcome to the group.....

Wants to build a smoker
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Re: Portable Parrilla Asado Grill build questions

Post by dgilbert71 » December 19th, 2020, 7:31 pm

Thanks for the reply. I’m meeting with him this week to see which he prefers! Thanks!

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