Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

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Rocko Bonaparte
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Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by Rocko Bonaparte » November 17th, 2015, 1:49 am

It does not look like the brick/masonry smokers get that much attention, but I think the basic design principles will still work between a masonry vertical offset and a metal vertical offset. I am hoping to build a smoker to complement the pizza oven, and since I am working with firebrick, I figured I'd might as well keep going with it. Also, I am hoping to have a smoker that keeps heat well so it does not require too much tending.

What I figured I would do is have the smoking chamber all the way at the end of the outdoor kitchen island. The vertical smoking chamber would be accessible from a standing height and be made of type 2 firebricks with insulation outside of them. I was assuming to make the chamber be something like 3-feet high, and have somewhere like a 18"x26" area inside; I forget the exact numbers, but they fit in with standard restaurant trays.

It's my understanding I do not want to burn wood directly underneath this, since wood needs a higher temperature to burn clean, yet I do not want that higher temperature directly hitting the meat. So below counter height and beside the chamber I will have the firepit. The pit will also be built from type 2 firebrick. There should be two doors. The top is larger and lets me add wood, and the bottom lets me pull out ash. The fire would not directly see the vertical smoking chamber as it is offset from it.

My problem here is then getting proper dampers to control air inflow. I am supposing I could try to get the dampers right on the doors, but failing that, I'm not sure where to put them. At this point, I don't have plans for anything else beside the firepit in the kitchen island, so I might just leave the space next to it hollow so I can install dampers on the side. I'm assuming I want a pair of baffles: one below the fire and one above it, which should help the wood burn clean by adding extra oxygen as the air moves out to the smoking chamber.

Is this the right general idea? I'd also like to set up one of those smoker controllers for giggles, but I'm not sure what all would connect to this. I'm assuming one end adjusts the flue's damper and the other would adjust the firepit's dampers uniformly.

Where could I look to find metal doors for all this? I can find decent-enough doors for the firepit, but nothing to handle the vertical smoking chamber.

Also, I have a handle on building the pizza oven because the bricks will support themselves in the dome shape, but I'm not confident what I can do to make the box shape for this smoker. Are angle irons okay? How thick do I need them to be, and what kind of give do I need to factor into them when surrounding them with firebricks?

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Re: Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by Rodcrafter » November 18th, 2015, 8:42 am

I have never done anything like this, but the principles are the same. The frame made of 1/4" would be good it won't move around with the brick on it. You can make the doors yourself. The controller may work on this type of offset, since it is vertical. So I say go for it

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Re: Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by elgot » May 16th, 2016, 7:10 pm

Rocko, I just joined this forum....did you get started on this project?

I have a similar idea. First I am buiilding a brick Argentine parrilla to do all my grilling. When I am done with that I want to build the vertical offset brick smoker with metal cook chamber and firebox doors.

Rocko Bonaparte
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Re: Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by Rocko Bonaparte » May 17th, 2016, 12:31 am

Not yet. :(

I was going to get started on the outdoor kitchen during my sabbatical, but then my wife said the four magic words: I want a permit.

We're on the corner and this work is very visible, so we were actually likely to get harassed for it. But I spent the whole sabbatical waiting on that. Now it's constantly raining when I try to dig the area for the concrete slab. At this point, I'll have to review my notes when I'm ready to build it because I'm forgetting finer details.

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Re: Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by Dirtytires » May 17th, 2016, 12:54 am

Tho a permit seems silly, it is probably a good thing as it protects us from ourselves. Also does good to improve property value as the work is documented. It's got a cost but if it prevents the neighborhood harassment, I'd say the wait is worth it.

Do it right the first time and you will spend more time cooking on it. Get back at it!

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Re: Brick vertical offset smoker for burning wood

Post by Squiggle » May 17th, 2016, 4:57 am

Sounds like a sweet project, would love to knock one up myself someday. :beer:

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