questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

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questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Ranjer59 » September 10th, 2015, 6:51 pm

I'd love some insight from the more seasoned members. I have seen several builds on this and other sites- and they all have their relative pro's and con's. I'm looking to use 3 SS oven racks and make my own vertical charcoal smoker- somehow.

My biggest question: Why - with almost unanimity- are they all "insulated"? I'm probably 100 percent off base but - if you live in a climate like North Central Texas, you are not dealing with overcoming some seriously low ambient temps.

Most of these builds use 14 /16 gauge sheet metal sandwich with a 1" or thicker insulation wrap...even going to the extreme of filling in their tubing with pcs of the same stuff.

Is this really necessary?

I'm very limited in my budget: OK- it's practically non-existent and I'm looking for a way to cut the cost WAY down- but I don't want to lose functionality. I might be up for insulating and skinning a firebox- that make sense to me- but the cooking chamber too? Metal- even scrap- is pretty expensive. I'm not frugal- I'm poor :(
I'm even questioning the "need" for a reverse flow setup in the cabinet... I have and love my UDS and MiniWsm- they are not insulated and they are very skimpy on fuel- miserly even. If I want something with 3 pull out racks, why would a smallish, no frills, cabinet smoker not work like a champ?

Even after I get other viewpoints, I still have to address the fact that I don't weld, or own a welder or have access to a truck so I can haul materials. Yep- this is gonna be a hill to climb. :)

Thanks in advance!

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Big T » September 10th, 2015, 8:06 pm

I think there's a few reasons that guys build insulated cabinets, safety, custom paint jobs, weather conditions, etc.. I don't feel that it's a must, especially in the region that you live in. I recently got rid of an old home built vertical cabinet that wasn't insulated and I used it for years with no problems. I think most guys on here would also agree that a RF vertical is a little "over kill" and not necessary. I understand about building on a budget or lack of a budget, I usually build my personal stuff from scrap piles and left overs from other projects at work. I would agree that it's going to be a tuff build without a welder but nothing is impossible. jm2cw

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Puff » September 10th, 2015, 8:09 pm

Big T...that is very well stated. I think some of the extremes are covered well in your comment. I have had great suckling pig in a plywood box.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Pete Mazz » September 11th, 2015, 4:44 am

Absolutely no reason to have RF in a vertical IMO. Insulated is nice but not necessary. I'd start with a long walk thru a junk yard. Old restaurant boxes are a good start but almost anything made of metal that already has a door and is tall enough to hold a charcoal basket and some racks will usually work with some coaxing.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Ranjer59 » September 11th, 2015, 6:53 pm

Thanks for the responses. You've given me points to mull over. I don't have a ton of money to throw at "another cooker" as my wife would call it. I am making myself work from a self imposed budget - $200 to 300 for materials just to keep it interesting. I know that is pretty skimpy for a "real" smoker- but I think that it might make me be more creative in my approach to the design. I like to take off running once I get a new project in my mind -it's hard to concentrate on anything but that. I will make my self be patient - great stuff is tossed out every day. Everything free I can find does not go against the budget = win. I like the challenge of thinking outside the norm- I get a charge out of coming up with a different way to do things. I'm not averse to visiting a scrap yard (or two) in search of cheap materials- hauling is a problem (no truck or trailer). I know for a fact that you can cram a lot of stuff into a Mustang- I'd just rather not haul steel tubing or sheet :) Will be a nice weekend- I may do a cardboard mock up and see how I can make the most of even sticks of tubing and sheets of metal. The welding thing will be a problem... but I've long since learned the power of smoked ribs and cold beer...I will find a volunteer if I'm not up to learning to weld- believe it! :-bd

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Rodcrafter » September 12th, 2015, 9:40 am

That is an great goal. I built the smoker in my avatar for $300.00, used it like that for a couple years then spent a lot more turning it into a trailer rig that is covered. So go for it.

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change of plans- but stil want a cabinet style smoker

Post by Ranjer59 » November 21st, 2015, 5:26 pm

So- fully insulated is out- as is the reverse flow. I don't think it's a gimmick- but I don't think it's worth the extra steel in my case. I was gifted (by the power of friendship, bbq and beer) 5 shear cut pieces of 2' x 4' x 3/16" steel -and I'm trying not to screw this up.
I'm now leaning toward a 2x2x4tall rectangular non-insulated, non reverse flow cooker that is fully welded, 2 doors (fb and cc) with a 2" brass ball valve intake to squeeze the most out of a maze of Kingsford. In other words- a rectangular UDS with 2 doors and 3 racks... and a diffuser plate from hell ( on my uds I have almost 2ft of clearance from fire to grate- this one will have maybe 6" (?)) Not much sense in having lots of grates if the bottom one or two are too hot to smoke on.

Anything to be wary of? I could use a (bunch) of pointers. I'm excited to start but don't want to ruin perfectly good steel because of a poor design.
If I use a pc of 1/4" can I use it as the diffuser plate AND the grease pan? I don't want it to catch fire. I'd like the grease to drain to a tube that exits out the back/side- with a smaller ball valve I can close off (or even open if I need more air for some reason). The diffuser /grease catch would have a lip around its perimeter, with a lipped hole in the center for smoke to come out. it would have a sloped "roof" 1" larger than the hole in all dimensions - raised up about 1.5 inches above the hole lip.
Will the doors - flat 3/16 sheet - no frame, stand up to the heat without warping? Not so worried about the CC... but the FB is gonna get "a mite toasty"

Figured top rack rail would be 6 inches from the top- the bottom rack rail would be 6" up from the diffuser plate. The other rails could fall every 4 inches in between those. I do not think for a minute I will build grates for every rail height OR I will ever fill that sucker up with meat- just looking for the options. Plus- adding rails after the build and first couple of cooks would be ugly.

I need a fool proof way of sealing the doors- I've seen everything from RTV to fireplace rope to Nomex Tape to tadpole gasketing. What goes on the easiest, lasts the longest and is easier to re apply when that time comes? if I use the fiberglass rope - can it be glued to the door or face of the CC/FB directly - or do I have to figure out some metal channel to shove it in?

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Rodcrafter » November 24th, 2015, 6:43 am

The seal on the FB door is by far my biggest concern, if it leaks the fire will be out of control. The metal won't warp if you keep the fire basket away from the sides like a UDS. The bottom rack may experience a hot spot from the diffuser plate. But you may put some sand on it to stop that.


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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Ranjer59 » December 3rd, 2015, 8:27 pm

still getting my materials together- wife's "need" for a hardwood floor is seriously cramping my style... and my back, shoulders, knees...

Looking at doing it sort of like a BoatHouse style smoker - I like the boxy look trimmed in angle iron all black, bad a$$. Not doing a water pan (hoping to combine heavy difuser plate with drip pan)- and will have a 2" ball valve for intake, full welded seams and a good seal for the doors. I may have an internal cross brace welded on the FB door- but I'm hoping your are correct in just centering the coal tray will keep the door from bowing.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by MattJ » May 15th, 2016, 7:39 am

What did you end up using for a diffuser plate? I would like to see pics if possible.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Dirtytires » May 15th, 2016, 10:52 pm

I'm just a negative nancy here but your first post mentioned you don't weld. My smoker took me over 5 months and a couple hundred hours to build and I am fortunate to have a very nicely equipped home shop.

I love my friends and family dearly but I'm not sure I would jump at the opportunity to weld them up a smoker. Not only do you need to spend the time to build it but every piece needs to be fabricated.

I'm not saying it can't be done, but I have well over $200 in just consumables like wire, shielding gas, plasma tips, grinding wheels, and welding gloves. Even if I do free welding for someone, I expect shop supplies to be replaced.

I don't mean to squash your dreams.....and I'll probably get blasted for this.....but your budget might be better spent on a store bought smoker that you could modify with tools you already have. I spent 15 years cooking on a bbq chef offset smoker and the only modification I made was lay in some firebricks. Made me some good meals once I learned to use it for what it is. This group will offer advice whatever you direction but, in my opinion, the worst thing is to waste time and money on a project that never gets completed.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Rodcrafter » May 16th, 2016, 7:01 am

Everyone has experience, it is all important to the new builder. If we all agreed on everything some would be lying.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Dirtytires » May 17th, 2016, 1:05 am

RC....I mean no anyone.

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Rodcrafter » May 17th, 2016, 7:07 am

none taken

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Re: questions re: building a cheap vertical cabinet smoker

Post by Ranjer59 » May 19th, 2016, 7:57 am

I started this thread as an exercise in "is this possible given these constraints" more than anything. Like I said (I think)- anyone with a full shop, welders, steel, time, plasma cutters, cnc tables and a good plan can whip out a smoker. I was just feeling out if a "mere mortal/working guy/limited funds and skills" could make a good/great smoker of this style. I've drawn, planned, plotted and schemed. I've gotten co-workers interested who have access (and talent) - they would be more than happy to help with the basic construction and teach me some basic welding so I could say "I helped".

At the end of the day- it's just not worth it. Was fun to think about- but I need another cooker like I need a hole in the head.

I wanted a cheap ,vertical, insulated cabinet with multiple racks that would hold a ton of food or be able to cook just a rack of ribs if that was all I had to cook.

My cooking quantity has dropped to just me and the missus- so capacity is not an issue any longer. I have a pbc, weber kettle, UDS and a mini wsm- I can do great meals on any /all of them.

Thanks for all the suggestions and guidance- it was great. I wish there could have been more give and take with members on the site- considering the name but I'm grateful for the responses.

I will continue to visit- there are some good posts from time to time... but I'm suspending my search and plans for the cheapo insulated cabinet.

you guys rock.

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