Proofer Smoker Questions? HELP!

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Proofer Smoker Questions? HELP!

Post by mmeagher55 » May 6th, 2018, 11:42 pm

I am looking at a couple of non-working, insulated proofer cabinets. Both have stainless steel exteriors, with three doors (two on the front, one on the back). Both have stainless steel doors but the inside rack walls are aluminum. Racks are 1 1/2" apart. Dimensions of both are vary slightly but are roughly 70" tall by 30"/33" deep by 23"/22" wide. One has very good latches all around, the other would need to have a couple latches replaced. Both would need the gaskets replaced around all the doors.

Here are my questions.

1. Will the aluminum racks hurt the flavor of the meat, or effect the smoke flavor in any way? And, is aluminum safe to use at temps up to 350?
2. One has a roof and the other has a flimsy non-insulated roof with the useless heating element and a fan. Would you get the one with a roof or without a roof, knowing you will have to fabricate an insulated roof anyway?
3. Should the smoke source be a Smoke Daddy Pellet Pro Hopper assembly? Or, would it be better to make it into a propane vs. a stick/charcoal burner? Another option might be to use an A-Maz-N smoker and add an electric heat element to control the temps?
4. Both are insulated with spray-in foam at the factory. Is this foam insulation good enough to handle winter and summer temps without effecting the smoking times? They are supposedly insulated to an equivalent of R-100. Is the salesman full of horse puckey on this? Does anyone know the R value of 2" of rock mineral insulation?

I plan to make the best BBQ in Utah and try to start selling it. Every restaurant in this state is such a disappointment compared to what I get when I go home to the Kansas City and Lake of the Ozarks area.

Any and all advice is very appreciated.

Thanks everybody for helping me out with your responses!

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Pete Mazz
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Re: Proofer Smoker Questions? HELP!

Post by Pete Mazz » May 7th, 2018, 4:10 am

1) Aluminum is fine. Lots of cooking items made with it.
2) I'd get whichever was in the best shape.
3) Unless you have a dedicated high amp feed, forget electric. Pellets and A-Maz-N tray would work. If you go propane, get a thermostatically controlled unit with safety shut off. Charcoal is doable but needs something like a Bbq Guru to be set and forget.
4) Spray in foam usually doesn't handle the higher temps of a smoker. 2" rock wool is fine.

If you plan to sell, you may have to get the smoker certified by local BOH. I would find out first before sinking money into something that may get shot down.

Good luck!

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Re: Proofer Smoker Questions? HELP!

Post by mmeagher55 » May 7th, 2018, 9:05 pm


Thank you for the quick, thorough and knowledgable response. I was concerned about some of the very issues you raised, especially the insulation. Lots to think about and research before pulling the trigger.

Thank you very much!

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