Johny treg

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Re: Johny treg

Post by CarolinaQue » December 9th, 2012, 10:52 am

SmokinFF wrote:My how times have changed!!! I can guarantee I've forgotten talkins to, but I damn sure remeber the good 'ol fashioned ass whoopins.
I remember them also. But no one is going to hit my child in the face with a yard stick, or any other object including a hand just because they weren't from around them parts. Especially if they didn't know how things were done or had them explained to them properly and respectfully. Respect is a two way street, even in regards to children. If you think that is acceptable, then I'm glad times are changing. BTW...I never said that my kids haven't had their share of butt-whoopins, but no one is hitting them in the face with a yard stick and getting away with it on my watch!!!

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Re: Johny treg

Post by TuscaloosaQ » December 9th, 2012, 1:05 pm

CarolinaQue I agree with a lot of what you say I would not allow anyone to smack my child around either, I am just saying a lot kids today are very disrespectful If my child was at your house cutting up I would have no problem with you taring his fanny up. I believe in time out right after that bottom end is lit up. Heck I respect my parents God rest there soul for blistering my behind. Absolutely kids do not deserve to be hit in the face under no circumstance and I like you will tear someone out of frame if they do it to your child or mine. It is not a region thing it is a rsepect thing for me, and I realize a lot of kids have no guidance and those are the ones who are not to blame!! I really do not have to worry about Tyler because I taught him long ago to hit back and I must say he has a powerful punch. LOL I hope we are still friends, maybe we just differ a little bit. You are a good man no doubt!!!!

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Re: Johny treg

Post by SoloQue » December 9th, 2012, 1:39 pm

Just for the record I would not tolerate a face slap of any kind regarding my daughter in today's times. As for the scenario I described from my own childhood, I would say it was a combination of variables including me being unaware of language expectations in the south versus the midwest, the fact that I really did raise my voice when responding the 3rd time, the fact it was her classroom, it was in the 1970's and probably most of all she really was a crazy old bat! That said, I sure wish parents today would be more likely to discipline their kids at home rather than not only allowing chaos at home but promoting thuggish behavior from their kids in public by refusing to own up to the fact that wayyyy tooo many of today's kids are absolute BRATS in and out of the house. I am not an ancient relic by any means but I too can remember the day that if I acted a fool when I was out of the house some parent was going to step in and correct things at the very least they would cease whatever I was doing and my parents were garaunteed to be notified. As to the notification by another adult, there was ZERO possibility that they would not be believed by my own parents and I was going to get the working end of something be it a hand picked switch or grandma's favorite the fly-swatter. I lost interest is being a jack-ass a long time ago, today's kids thrive on the title and get encouragement way too often. Whew ... getting dizzy .. how do I get off this soap box. :-t

For the record my daughter was spanked once in her life .. She was of the opinion that daddy would start back at 1 (as in 1 - 2 - 3) the next time she decided to challenge her boundaries. Daddy had made it to 2 on the first go round that day so 3 seemed like the logical next number to me. I'm guessing the event made a lasting impression (not just on her rear end but in her way of reasoning as well).

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Re: Johny treg

Post by CarolinaQue » December 9th, 2012, 3:17 pm

I don't disagree with either one of you fine gentlemen regarding a lack of disclipine in most kids today. And don't ever doubt that my children have ended up with a beat red behind a time or two.

I just don't agree with the scenerio that started this debate is all. In today's culture, that teacher would rightfully be charged with abuse and or assault on a child.

As far as raising your voice Solo, I can't say that I see that as disrespect as much as frustration because you didn't understand what was going on. The teacher should have been an adult and not a bully and explained it to you before going bat shit crazy on you. Now, if that discussion had taken place prior to the incident and you knew differently, well, then yes, some form of correction would be expected.

I will agree also that disclipine is lacking in many home fronts these days. Sadly, I think that it's due to people being afraid to correct ont he spot because to many think that any form of physical disclipine is abuse and will call the police before you have a chance to get the second swat in.

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Re: Johny treg

Post by SoloQue » December 9th, 2012, 3:51 pm

I had that old bat for 2 years and yes by today's standards she would have been fired regardless of years served. I think she was a left over from years slipped by and its a real possibility that her motives were legit even if a bit warped. Who knows, perhaps if I had ended up at home with a big bruise across my face my folks might have taken action. I really don't remember if I even bothered bringing it up when I got home, back then if I got disciplined in school then I got disciplined again at home so I probably let it die on its own. Now that is from a less than an angel's point of view back in the day :D OK, I've officially gotten Mr Treg off the hook, the crosshairs have been moved to teachers and their Jedi yardstick skills!

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Re: Johny treg

Post by SmokinFF » December 9th, 2012, 7:55 pm

CarolinaQue wrote:
SmokinFF wrote:My how times have changed!!! I can guarantee I've forgotten talkins to, but I damn sure remeber the good 'ol fashioned ass whoopins.
I remember them also. But no one is going to hit my child in the face with a yard stick, or any other object including a hand just because they weren't from around them parts. Especially if they didn't know how things were done or had them explained to them properly and respectfully. Respect is a two way street, even in regards to children. If you think that is acceptable, then I'm glad times are changing. BTW...I never said that my kids haven't had their share of butt-whoopins, but no one is hitting them in the face with a yard stick and getting away with it on my watch!!!
Sorry CQ, I'm by no means saying teachers should beat the kids. My point was, that back in the day that's how kids were corrected. (Not really by a yard stick) Now days, if someone sees you grab your kids arm at Walmart to correct them, they're on the phone. I think this world is gonna be hurtin in years to come with the way some kiddos are brought up now. And all the childhood illnesses they are covering up with medicine drives me crazy!!!!! These were never heard of when I was younger. IMHO it's a lack of discipline. I knew before I did something right or wrong, I had to ask myself "Is this worth an ass whoopin from the Old Man?" I think some good discipline and a stern talkin to go a lot farther than a pill to calm them down. Stepping down now. Sorry if I got your feathers ruffled, that was not my plan. :beer:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by DUAYNE B » December 9th, 2012, 8:06 pm

wow,,,,,,,, this thread is deep...... YES SIR, I think a good controled butt spankin is in order for learning, i know it had an impact on me, and i think my kids are better kids for it. i,m done, dont want to get carried away :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by DUAYNE B » December 9th, 2012, 8:07 pm

:BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: , dawgonnet, i got carried away :beer:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by SoloQue » December 9th, 2012, 9:59 pm

DUAYNE B wrote::BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: :BDHorse: , dawgonnet, i got carried away :beer:
man I just had a flashback of my grandmother with her fly-swatter :BDHorse: :-o

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Re: Johny treg

Post by TuscaloosaQ » December 9th, 2012, 10:20 pm

SmokinFF You are exactly right they want to medicate kids into learning and behaving which I think is insane. They call it ADD :wtf: :wtf: i hate to hear a parent say have you had your medicine today???? Kids need parents who will spend time with them, correct them, disipline them and love them. It is a parents job to teach them a work ethic,morals, and respect
Some kids need medicine, but not the kind that makes them a zombie for the parents convience. How did Johnny Trig get off the hook??? Just joking heck I am at work tonight at the refinery i gotta talk about something. I think for the biggest part we are on the same page, and the teacher that popped Solo was raised that way and felt like she was doing the right thing, but you gotta admit he never forgot it. [-x [-x But I must admit if I had a youngin and the teacher smacked them in the face
OMG !!!!!!!I would be in trouble

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Re: Johny treg

Post by CarolinaQue » December 10th, 2012, 5:47 am

SmokinFF wrote:
CarolinaQue wrote:
SmokinFF wrote:My how times have changed!!! I can guarantee I've forgotten talkins to, but I damn sure remeber the good 'ol fashioned ass whoopins.
I remember them also. But no one is going to hit my child in the face with a yard stick, or any other object including a hand just because they weren't from around them parts. Especially if they didn't know how things were done or had them explained to them properly and respectfully. Respect is a two way street, even in regards to children. If you think that is acceptable, then I'm glad times are changing. BTW...I never said that my kids haven't had their share of butt-whoopins, but no one is hitting them in the face with a yard stick and getting away with it on my watch!!!
Sorry CQ, I'm by no means saying teachers should beat the kids. My point was, that back in the day that's how kids were corrected. (Not really by a yard stick) Now days, if someone sees you grab your kids arm at Walmart to correct them, they're on the phone. I think this world is gonna be hurtin in years to come with the way some kiddos are brought up now. And all the childhood illnesses they are covering up with medicine drives me crazy!!!!! These were never heard of when I was younger. IMHO it's a lack of discipline. I knew before I did something right or wrong, I had to ask myself "Is this worth an ass whoopin from the Old Man?" I think some good discipline and a stern talkin to go a lot farther than a pill to calm them down. Stepping down now. Sorry if I got your feathers ruffled, that was not my plan. :beer:

I agree about the disclipine issue and to many people wanting to turn parents in because physical disclipine is used...see my previous reply.

In regards to the comments about the ADD and ADHD issues...I slightly agree that it is an over used scape goat. However, having a kid diagnosed with ADHD, and trying to deal with it for years by "other" means than medication, I can assure you that I believe in it being a valid diagnosis and a real problem. When you get into the actual issue and realize that it's in the same spectrum as autisim, you realize that this may actually be real. Makes one wonder how and why it's all connected...expecially concerning what goes into growing our food. With that said, our daughter get's plenty of disclipine to help her correct her behavior. I can go into more detail later, but off to work I go.

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Re: Johny treg

Post by Frank_Cox » December 10th, 2012, 9:10 am

OK, so now to :hijack: the thread one more time.......
I have a friend that is known to "put a quarter in you to get you to talk" by asking an openended question like "So, what about the Raiders?" and then he stops talking hoping that you will answer with the first thing on your mind.....
Here's my attempt....
So, what about GMO? (genetically modified organisims)?
ok, a little more than that. The stuff that Monsanto and others do to your food at the genetic level that conspiracy theorists say causes the diseases that have sprung up since the 70's.
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Re: Johny treg

Post by SoloQue » December 10th, 2012, 10:01 am

Frank_Cox wrote:OK, so now to the thread one more time.......
Pffft .... man this is a BBQ blog what's with the long hair questions! :D

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Re: Johny treg

Post by TuscaloosaQ » December 10th, 2012, 11:01 am

I am gonna do us all a favor,it was fun no harm intended toward anyone let's get back to building cookers cooking barbque and quit acting like women at the beauty shop. Everyone who responded to this thread are gooooood people no doubt in my mind. I personally need to shut up and listen sometimes but just can't help myself. Where has DC been???? I will be totally honest and Admit something my biggest problem is...... I AM JUST TO DANG GOODLOOKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigfoot: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug: :ymhug:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by maccas66 » December 10th, 2012, 3:58 pm

:o :? =))

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Re: Johny treg

Post by DUAYNE B » December 10th, 2012, 10:24 pm

I just got back from the jungles of nairobi, near the border of baja and the swiss alpiens, i hunted parbonian flatbill yaks for two months this last week and got two of them.. they were hard as heck to sneak up on, with them having such long feet, and there keen eye. I managed to climb up a tree and jump on the back of one of them, bringing it down to its knees. that brought the other one in site, nosey animals, they dont have long noses, they are nosey. he tripped over his feet, falling into the other one, knocking them both out. i got them secured, it was dark, was able to skin them, field dress them, all i had was a couple extra pair of pants and two t-shirts. they say the belly and tail is the best part, its at the aboriganize meat market near mogolliantown getting processed as i type,,, at what temp should i cook this beast and any recomendations on wood to use ???? :BD:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by Gizmo » December 11th, 2012, 7:29 am

You can't go wrong with good Yak!
Just put them in to your favorite marinade til spring, then onto the cooker and cook them up to 283F in foil (or until tender) invite all the neighbors (BYOB of course) and drink until they taste good! Bon Apetite'! :D

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Re: Johny treg

Post by CarolinaQue » December 11th, 2012, 9:03 am

Frank_Cox wrote:OK, so now to :hijack: the thread one more time.......
I have a friend that is known to "put a quarter in you to get you to talk" by asking an openended question like "So, what about the Raiders?" and then he stops talking hoping that you will answer with the first thing on your mind.....
Here's my attempt....
So, what about GMO? (genetically modified organisims)?
ok, a little more than that. The stuff that Monsanto and others do to your food at the genetic level that conspiracy theorists say causes the diseases that have sprung up since the 70's.
:BDHorse: :beer:

One more time :hijack:

Yeah...that's it...glad you got it all figured out!!! :ymapplause: #:-s

There are a lot of "theories", but they are just that..."theories". Can't say any one knows for sure...but there sure are a lot of "coincidences".

It very well could be that some one just gave a name to a behavioral issue that has been around for quite some time. Population increase and other factors could seriously affect the statistics and can easily be skewed to drive an "agenda". Never said that wasn't a possibility. Never claimed to have the answers, or support a conspiracy either.

I understand the confusion though. Those damn teachers and those yard sticks beating kids in the face...I tell ya!!! Why can't we just return to the days of yesteryears!!!

Alright, :hijack: over :beer:

Johny Trigg is still a good man in my opinion. He was likely just having a bad day!

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Re: Johny treg

Post by Frank_Cox » December 11th, 2012, 9:12 am

haha, It's all good bro!
Now on the other hand, DuayneB is outta control! I personnally would have chosen the neck and the hooves. I hear although they are not the tenderest cuts, they give grits a unique flavor. I would recommend a reverse sear. smoke at 225*F and then sear them on the grill and if you use a bacon manganese root beer banana split sauce and plate them over a bed of stuffed grits.... OMG they are the best! :needfood: :needfood:

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Re: Johny treg

Post by CarolinaQue » December 11th, 2012, 9:50 am

I always found Yak to do better at a bit higher temp in the 275* - 300* range though. I think that the slightly higher temp renders the fat out a little better making it more tender...then followed by a reverse sear!!!

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Re: Johny treg

Post by Grabber70Mach » December 11th, 2012, 11:06 am

When I went to school we had a teacher that would use a chalk board pointer. When you acted up you got called to the front of the class held out your hands knuckles up and she whacked you. Didn't take too many times and you learned to be good in her class. Bottom line like others have said parents don't take the time or responsibility today to teach there kids manners or what's right from wrong.

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Re: Johny treg

Post by TuscaloosaQ » December 12th, 2012, 3:11 am

We all are allowed a bad day I am having a bad night at this refinery, It is in an upset a makes me want to puke!!!!!! Gas is going up.Plus I have a heal spurr,an ingrone toenail and a raw Butt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o =)) =))

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Re: Johny treg

Post by HARRY BARKER » December 12th, 2012, 6:57 pm


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