Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Also called Stump's Clone.
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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 15th, 2020, 10:51 am

I've been slacking on the updates. We took a little time off from the build due to a couple of things going on at home (each of us) and with the holidays happening, but the ambition didn't wane. We've been back at it, though, in the new year. Here are a few updates!

Update! First of the new year!

We got a bunch done today. First thing we attacked was getting the wire channel added for getting cords from the temp controller to the fan. We knew about this all along, but had a little oversight when putting on the front skin, so we had to retrofit. Minor speed bump that we solved fairly quickly.

Wires go in here where the temp controller sits:


They come out near the intake. Pic of it cleaned up a bit and in relation to the intake. This will be shrouded, so the symmetry wasn't important. The flexibility and clearance of the wires was much more so.


Some seams were finished up, the intake was welded in fully, the door was adjusted for a better fit and to better accommodate the gaskets.

Finishing touch on the day was getting the top thermo mounted.


5" diameter on this bad boy. Took a little while to get in as I wanted to order the one with the calibration dial on the back. Pics don't do it justice. Maybe my sexy ass does, though. ;)


Getting damn close!

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 15th, 2020, 10:54 am

Next day we managed to get a number of major steps knocked out.

By the time I got out there, Maner had added a little lip to the controller recess. This is something we talked about to give a little clearance from the door and gives us a place to mount the shroud. Still plenty of space for the controller to sit and it hides the probe pass-through a little. Very clean looking.


We added the lower thermo (3" dial) and got shrouds fabbed up for them both. The lower shroud is in a holding pattern for the moment, but the upper shroud is welded in to place. A little sun and rain shade is the functional side, but they just look cool.


We also got the tie-down points tacked up. We'll finish out the welding on them later, but these tie in to the frame and should be plenty robust for tying this thing down to the trailer for transport. Maner cut them himself. They look great!



We also got the doors mounted. Here is the firebox door. I wish we had a scale to weigh it. It, like everything else on this rig, is beefy. Good indication of just how solid the finished product will be.


Here is the evidence that I do at least a little work while I'm out there :rofl: :


Fuel chute door. I also welded the rest of the upper skin in to place. On the front side, there was a decent sized gap to fill from the door curb to the frame. It left a fair number of pits (or 'gappies' as Maner calls them) that I'll have to go back over to fill in, but it's structurally sound and fully filled in.


The 5 standard racks are in. There will be 4 more added at 3" spacing in between these. That will give TONS of configuration options. Without the extra racks, I'd be left with 6" or 12" spacing between racks. The sliders are built, just need to build the racks, then put everything in place.


Me being, as Maner says, a ham for the camera ;).


All in all, great day at the shop with some serious work getting done.

We aren't really that far off from a test fire. There is a problem with the toggle latches that I bought in that they are too short. I'm going to look in to a longer u-bolt or just get larger latches overall. I kind of want bigger latches for the main door anyways, so we'll see. The smaller ones for the firebox and fuel chute doors are 90* latches and they just don't quite reach to the door curb. Maner got the main door handle started, too. It's a really sweet piece of hammered square bar that will get bent into shape. The rest is little things like the cap for the exhaust stack, finishing out some welds, adding the pull points for the winch, and adding the shrouds for the controller/fan areas. After that, it'll be all cosmetic work - squaring edges, filling little pits, buffing the surfaces, etc. We'll be there before long.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 15th, 2020, 10:56 am

Great day again today. Not a ton of work, but Maner had the shop packed with folks doing some work on another buddy's truck. He cooked a whole mess of food that was DAMN good, too. Brisket, pork shoulder, sausages, beans, taters, poppers...the works. On top of that, I had a very special helper with me today. My daughter, Stella, joined in and got her first welding lesson. She's 6 and was really excited about coming out. Went to bed early last night and everything. :laugh:

Here we are packed up and read to head to Maner's:


We tackled the door handle for the cook chamber. Maner cut and bent it during the week, so it was pretty much ready to go. After getting it lined up, Stella started getting her instruction on what was about to go down:


Then we got to welding! She helped put on a few tack welds:


She was very proud of herself:


Here she is by her first weld!


She got a lesson on the bandsaw as well:



She then helped with the firebox door latch.


Her and I held the gun together and ran a pretty nice weld!


She went and asked Maner to come look at her weld. Maner looked at it and said, "Stella, it's beautiful. We don't need to buff that one down like we do with your daddy's." :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

As for progress pics, here is what was done today.

The handle on the cook chamber door:


A handle on the firebox side to help with manually pushing/pulling the smoker:


90* latch added to the top of the charcoal chute (still need to clean up that seam):


90* latch added to the firebox door:


My tie-down straps came in yesterday. Maner pointed me to a site where I could order the width/length/strength I needed. I was able to get a custom color, too! 2" straps in maroon to match the smoker!


Here are the proud workers after putting in an honest day. :D


A lot of fun. Stella had such a good time meeting Maner, Frank (not *that* Frank, ;)), and the rest of the guys. She ate some damn good brisket, gets to say she's welded, met and played with Buzz (Maner's dog), and just enjoyed being out there. She was talking about it for about 5 minutes straight in the truck going home, then she crashed and slept the rest of the way.

Until next time!

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by ajfoxy » January 15th, 2020, 3:15 pm

Coming along very nicely. Nice to get the kids involved. :kewl:

Learning generally boils down to "Repetition or the avoidance of pain", some people learn by doing, some by watching and some just have to pee on the electric fence.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Big T » January 15th, 2020, 7:17 pm


Measure Twice.....Cut Three Times.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Dirtytires » January 15th, 2020, 7:31 pm

You guys have been busy......nice work.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Smurf » January 15th, 2020, 8:57 pm

Always nice to involve your kid!!! Good looking smoker 👍

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Pete Mazz » January 16th, 2020, 5:02 am

:LG: :LG: :LG: :points: :points: :points:

If it's tourist season, how come I can't shoot 'em?

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 19th, 2020, 11:09 pm

Thanks, all! Back at it today.

First thing we did today was get the gaskets put on the doors. I'm not crazy about this particular gasket, but after getting it in place and testing it out, it actually works pretty damn well. I had in my head what I'd used a replacement, but now I don't think I'll be in any hurry to do so. No pics of the gasket in place, but once we had that done, we rolled the pit just outside the shop and got ready to fire it up.

First thing was load a whole bag of charcoal:


Here is a view down the fuel chute with that whole bag in there. Could easily fit a second bag plus some. No wood mixed in this as we were mostly just wanting to get some heat in there.


I guess since Maner figured that since every other part of this build has been overkill, he might as well use an acetylene torch to light the coals :rofl:


Once we got a little bit going, we closed the doors, opened the ball valve and cracked the exhaust while we went back to work to fab a few things.


Celebratory pour, of course :D:


This is while the smoke was still dirty, but I just *had* to peak to see how everything was going in the cook chamber. It holds on to a lot of heat and smoke!


It took a while to come up to temp, but we could/should have done the start-up procedure a little differently. Light more of the coal to start (the torch only got a small area really hot) and run it with the firebox door open for a little longer to get the fire built up. Additionally, this will eventually be running a blower which will stoke the fire and ramp up the heat quicker. No biggie for today as there was no hurry, we were learning, and we were mostly concerned with seeing how the metal reacted and if we had any gaps. Once it started building heat, we got over 200* relatively quickly.


We eventually got it up to 250* and then it just kind of stayed there. Maybe up to 255*, but it didn't react unless we wanted it to. It was really exciting to see during the first run. I still haven't figured this thing out, but it is already looking like it will be VERY forgiving. The other great thing? The bottom dial and the top dial were within about 5* of each other the whole time. I was fully expecting the lower dial, near the heat transfer tube, to be a steady 25* warmer, but the top to bottom consistency was outstanding!

We even threw a few chunks of mesquite wood in the bottom to let catch some heat from the charcoal dropping down from above. We got great, thin, blue smoke from it all. It smelled great. I think we'll get plenty of smoke on the meat with this thing.


While it was burning, we did some more fab work. The first thing was the shroud for the blower and ball-valve. No in progress pics, but you can see it in the pic of the whole pit further down. It comes out just past where the fan will be and covers from any of the top-down dripping. I'll use the electronics in a light rain, but probably not in a heavy rain, though it is reasonably protected. We'll see.

Next was putting a stop for the fuel chute door. We had an okay idea at the start, but Maner figured we could do better. This little scrap bar was cut down and lined up to catch the door at just the right spot.


It works perfectly. Once again, Maner with another great audible. This thing looks way better than the original plan.


Pad eyes were also added to the frame/feet on the lower side opposite the firebox. These will be the points that I'll attach to the winch to pull it up in the trailer or lower in a controlled manner to unload it. Discreet, but really solid.


This is basically the final state before we get after cleaning up the body for paint. You can see the little rain shield for the lower intake in this pic. Also, to the bottom right, there is a ball-valve fitted with the blower mechanism. That will make it's way on to the intake in lieu of the plain ball-valve. It is a bit taller, so it fits under the shroud nicely. The blower will be able to be removed with a little twist and the unscrewing of a bushing, meaning I can run it in manual mode very easily. As mentioned in another update, the lower dial will be 5" as well - it is on order at the moment.


Don't get me wrong, there is a LOT of bodywork to do in terms of filling small gaps in the welds, removing slag, smoothing corners, etc. That all before getting it sandblasted and wiped down. That said, we now have a functional gravity fed cabinet smoker - and a big one at that. Maner and I spent a fair bit of the late afternoon with a whiskey in hand just looking at this thing. Lots of pride for the both of us. A HELL of a lot of work, beer, brainstorming, beer, problem solving, beer, tweaking, beer, elbow grease, and beer have already gone in to this thing. It felt great seeing it run and run like a champ. We started denting this bottle in celebration :rofl:.


Body work is next up, then paint. We have some work to do to get the trailer restored back to glory, which is the next project. Oh, that and lifting the Tacoma :anonymous:.

This thing doesn't come home until the trailer is ready and the Tacoma is squared away. We'll keep plugging away at it!

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by ajfoxy » January 20th, 2020, 4:48 pm

That looks really good. Although... the wheels look a tad skinny. As you've found out this thing is 'HEAVY", so might be advisable to perhaps look at wider wheels. Those little bitty wheels will get bogged in the mud/grass/gravel/whatever pretty quickly. Speaking from experience here, my DP GF had wide wheels and it still made tracks in the lawn. Now if you are only going to be running on concrete, no problem at all.

Learning generally boils down to "Repetition or the avoidance of pain", some people learn by doing, some by watching and some just have to pee on the electric fence.

Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. Henry Ford

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 20th, 2020, 5:31 pm

ajfoxy wrote:
January 20th, 2020, 4:48 pm
That looks really good. Although... the wheels look a tad skinny. As you've found out this thing is 'HEAVY", so might be advisable to perhaps look at wider wheels. Those little bitty wheels will get bogged in the mud/grass/gravel/whatever pretty quickly. Speaking from experience here, my DP GF had wide wheels and it still made tracks in the lawn. Now if you are only going to be running on concrete, no problem at all.
Could be! I stayed away from pneumatic or rubbery tires as I am concerned with moving on hard surfaces above all else. I'm not seeing something of this heft ever being particularly mobile across soft or loose surfaces, so I've expected from the get-go to travel with some short/wide boards for rolling it across grass, gravel, and such, while having really good casters for rolling across the concrete pad in my backyard, in my driveway, and in parking lots.

The good news, though, is that we bolted them on, so they are definitely modular and I can explore a different route if the need arises!

Thanks for the input!

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by JKalchik » January 20th, 2020, 9:36 pm

FWIW, I built the DP GF, and used Frank's suggested semi-pneumatic casters. It rolls pretty easily on hard surfaces (still need to add the handrails...) but it sinks like a rock in the soft sandy lawn I have here.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 21st, 2020, 12:12 am

With the weight, I struggle to see it ever being "good" on grass or gravel. It is just so heavy. Because of that, I went all in on reducing friction on hard surfaces with big poly casters.

Semi-pneumatic would be the next option if I feel it gets hung up on little pebbles, cracks, or something.

Thank you for the feedback!

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 27th, 2020, 2:41 pm

Pit doesn't look much different after today, but we worked hard. Got a few more racks built and added sides to the shrouds covering the temp.

7 of the racks in. We have one more slider to add and two more racks to build. Not sure the exact number, but I'm guessing somewhere around 3,000 pork belly burnt ends will fit in this thing. Maner wants to test out just how many we can cook, so something epic might actually happen when it's ready. :D Obviously the racks sit too close for big meats, but the point is to be modular and easily configurable for any type of cook. Overkill on this thing throughout.


Here you can see the shrouds a bit. Looks much more complete. Props to Maner for pointing it out.


While we were cutting, grinding, and welding, Maner had his badass smoker going with a 4 bone rack of dino ribs. I added a pork belly rubbed in On Point and rolled up.


Both turned out great!



Last of the big welds was laid down, so once those few bits for the racks are done, we're full on body prepping.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Dirtytires » January 27th, 2020, 11:08 pm

:grillin: :grillin: :grillin:

I started a thread a month or so back looking for advice on how to cook beef ribs and not too much input. You mind taking a minute to Look at the thread and add your cook info? Sure would appreciate it....

http://smokerbuilder.com/forums/viewtop ... 21#p110649

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » January 28th, 2020, 11:01 am

Dirtytires wrote:
January 27th, 2020, 11:08 pm
:grillin: :grillin: :grillin:

I started a thread a month or so back looking for advice on how to cook beef ribs and not too much input. You mind taking a minute to Look at the thread and add your cook info? Sure would appreciate it....

http://smokerbuilder.com/forums/viewtop ... 21#p110649
Sure thing! They are one of my favorite things to cook.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Dirtytires » January 29th, 2020, 11:06 pm

Many thanks....great info.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » July 12th, 2020, 10:24 pm

Been a while since posting, but paint went on over the last few weeks and the first reveal was this weekend.

For this weekend's work, there were some runs on the door that needed to get worked out. We took some various grits of sandpaper to it and flattened them out. Then it was time to get back to painting.


N95 mask and head sock is good for keeping the paint out, but makes drinking beer harder.


After a bit, we pulled off the tape from the accents and got a look. It's beautiful! The color is a tad more maroon than came out in these pics, but you get an idea of the color scheme. The desert sand is a great contrasting color.



Temp controller case, ball valve, and other external plumbing bits got sprayed, too, so they'll fit the theme.

Can't WAIT to fire this big bitch up.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Big T » July 12th, 2020, 11:03 pm

You've definitely built something to be proud of :beer:

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by tinspark » July 13th, 2020, 2:00 am

Man that turned out nice. Sure nice of your buddy to open his shop too. You did a great job cataloguing your build, and I personally enjoyed the process. I was planning on, and purchased the CNC files for the 48" RF smoker, but am now kicking around scrapping those plans and building a GF!! Thanks a lot fellas- haha!! You guys are way too inspiring :).

"tinspark's" build links below:
Last build-GF:https://smokerbuilder.com/forums/viewto ... 30#p114730
First build- Santa Maria Smoker:
https://smokerbuilder.com/forums/viewto ... 7a614a230a
Santa Maria Rebuild: viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7533&p=112344&hili ... 34#p112344

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Pete Mazz » July 13th, 2020, 3:35 am

:LG: :LG: :LG:

If it's tourist season, how come I can't shoot 'em?

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by ajfoxy » July 13th, 2020, 4:31 am

Very nice indeed! :kewl:

Learning generally boils down to "Repetition or the avoidance of pain", some people learn by doing, some by watching and some just have to pee on the electric fence.

Whether you think that you can, or that you can't, you are usually right. Henry Ford

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by Dirtytires » July 13th, 2020, 11:26 am

Great job...will last you a lifetime.

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by bvbull200 » July 13th, 2020, 3:35 pm

Thanks, all! We're really happy with how it looks. A few little bits are in order to get it tidied up, but it's ready for some real heat and smoke. July 18th will be the first cook on it.
tinspark wrote:
July 13th, 2020, 2:00 am
Man that turned out nice. Sure nice of your buddy to open his shop too. You did a great job cataloguing your build, and I personally enjoyed the process. I was planning on, and purchased the CNC files for the 48" RF smoker, but am now kicking around scrapping those plans and building a GF!! Thanks a lot fellas- haha!! You guys are way too inspiring :).
Maner really is a great guy for all of the time, effort, tools, and space that he's helped put towards this thing. He has as much sweat equity in the thing as anyone and is deservedly proud of the result as well.

Now, time to get the trailer up and running so I can drag this thing home soon ;).

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Re: Pitfaced BBQ's DP Gravity Feed Build

Post by BigDaddy4760 » July 13th, 2020, 8:17 pm

Dam proud of this one Bryan. It was so much fun working with ya. Now ont to the trailer build.

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