Tank build need input

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Tank build need input

Post by truebbq » August 7th, 2014, 11:05 am

Hey guys,
I'm making a 220 gallon oil tank vertical smoker. I calculated a 24" square firebox. Any experience with anyone out there and would you say this is big enough? I am concerned because if I need to open the bbq I know it will lose a lot of heat and I'm concerned about recovery time to get it back to temp.

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Re: Tank build need input

Post by smokeinthenoke » August 7th, 2014, 12:14 pm

I forgot to tell you in my pm to check out the Click here : PitCalc. You should be able to do a quick Google search, I forgot the exact url and I'm away from my computer. As far as recovery time, if you're doing the same design I did it shouldn't be a problem. I open mine as much as I want to and it doesn't affect my times a whole lot. Usually gets back to temp in about 5 minutes. I didn't insulate my firebox, but I'm sure that would help a lot too. I'll defer to some of the other folks on here for advice on that. They're pretty much experts :-)

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Re: Tank build need input

Post by Rodcrafter » August 7th, 2014, 2:42 pm

:welcome: TrueBBQ

When you say vertical, are you going to have the FB under the CC? And as far as Puff's goes his is a 275 offset RF, just so you know.

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Re: Tank build need input

Post by Puff » August 7th, 2014, 5:10 pm

AND.... It works so well, it's temp control is spectacular. As good as the oven in my house and that's just wood and a damper.
Fire box is about 24x26x30. My first real cook was about 120lbs of ribs. Their still talking about them.

Heat control and fire management becomes the real key and your layout will have a lot to say about the way those elements respond. My temperature recovery is fairly good. To open the doors, spray or mop BOTH racks of 15 full slabs of ribs each and close might drop about 50 degrees but responds back up in less than 10 min.

But. I've read " if you're lookin'.....you ain't cookin' "

Make no mistake, there ain't no powder in this Puff ! And... I'm not really a crazy person but I play one in real life

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Re: Tank build need input

Post by Big T » August 7th, 2014, 11:23 pm


Measure Twice.....Cut Three Times.

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